
Marriage can be the most challenging human relationship, and yet, many enter into it without developing the skills necessary to have a successful, life-long relationship. Soon they find themselves enduring the frustrations, disagreements and loneliness that emerge, assuming “This must be all there is,” or thinking “We’ve made a big mistake.” Marriage doesn’t have to be that way.

In The Solution for Marriages, Jeff Murphy and Chuck Dettman show you what God’s fascinating design for marriage is and how successful marriage mentors and pastors are teaching couples to build awesome marriages. This guide masterfully combines timeless biblical wisdom, critical relationship skills, and empowering resources that have led many couples to a successful marriage.

For Marriage Mentors, Pastors and Counselors

While the vast majority of weddings take place in churches, few are prepared to provide pre-marriage mentoring and ongoing marriage enrichment training that comprehensively covers biblical principles and best practices. Marriage mentors, pastors and counselors, using the The Solution for Marriages, can more effectively help couples address their unique issues and prepare for lifelong marriage. When this type of skilled marriage mentorship is provided, divorce is virtually eliminated.

As one overseer of an entire district of pastors recently said, “I wish I had this guide to help equip marriage mentors when I was in the pastorate.” The Solution for Marriages and the resources provided on this web site will take the professional’s and layperson’s mentoring to a whole new level.

This unique guide, The Solution for Marriages, provides a comprehensive reference for everyone looking to mentor a couple through today’s complex issues. This book masterfully prepares the marriage mentor by combining timeless biblical wisdom, critical relationship skills, and empowering resources that are the keys to a successful marriage.

You will discover how successful marriage mentors guide couples through the essential areas of marriage, including how to:

  • Communicate and Improve Their Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Grant Forgiveness and Build a Foundation of Trust
  • Understand the Impact Cohabitation has on the Marriage
  • Discover God’s Purpose for Marriage and Sex
  • Break Free from the Grip of Pornography
  • Protect Their Marriage from the Internet, Social Media, and Friends

Written by two marriage mentors with over 50 years of combined experience in helping couples experience the marriage God intended, you will find nothing else like it on the market. Their expert guidance has enabled pastors, marriage mentors, and couples to courageously wade through the maze of challenging issues that every couple faces.

What We Do

Jeff Murphy and Chuck Dettman show you what God’s fascinating design for marriage is and how successful marriage mentors and pastors are teaching couples to build awesome marriages.

Marriage Mentor Training/Certification

Trained pastors and lay marriage mentors can have a profound impact transforming their church and community, one couple at a time.



Couples Needing a ‘tune up’

Couple in Crisis

Relationship Dynamics

Biblical Roles of Husbands & Wives

Decision Making in Marriage

Developing Spiritual Intimacy in Marriage

Family and Friends

Handling Cultural Differences

Surviving the Holidays

Family of Origin

Marriage Skills & Responsibilities


Granting Forgiveness

Conflict Resolution

Financial Management

Remarriage and Step-families



Balancing During the Holidays

Preparing for Remarriage

Written by two marriage mentors with over 60 years of combined experience in helping couples experience the marriage God intended, you will find nothing else like it on the market. Their expert guidance has enabled pastors, marriage mentors, and couples to courageously wade through the maze of challenging issues that every couple faces.


Hear What Marriage Champions Have to Say About The Solution for Marriages!

“With decades of experience in marriage ministry, Jeff and Chuck have written a much-needed book on mentoring. The Solution for Marriages is packed with helpful questions and assessments, giving those just starting the journey the tools they’ll need to not only survive, but to thrive as a couple.”

Jim Daly, President

“I believe the key to having strong, happy families starts with strong, healthy marriages. But marriage is not always easy, and when couples struggle, families suffer. That’s why it is so important to have leaders like Jeff Murphy and Chuck Dettman to guide us along the marriage journey. The Solution for Marriages is a simple, yet crucial mentoring handbook that provides the tools and topical information any mentor couple might need to confidently lead others in creating healthier marriages.”

Dan T. Cathy, President & COO

“What a gift this magnificent book, ‘The Solution for Marriages: Mentoring a New Generation’ is to couples, families and churches everywhere. Jeff Murphy and Chuck Dettman have written the most comprehensive and informative resource on marriage we have come across in our many years as pastors and as teachers on marriage and family. We are so thankful for this life-giving resource and are excited to implement this teaching and mentorship ideal into the life of our church and ministry.”

John & Helen Burns, Senior Pastors

“Chuck and Jeff have created a wonderful marriage mentor training and support tool. Their many years of mentoring, successful marriages and love of God gives them a unique perspective from which to share practical tips that will enhance any marriage or relationship mentoring process. Refined and comprehensive, I appreciate how they have incorporated a great deal of the PREPARE/ENRICH framework into their work. The Solution for Marriages redefines the art of marriage mentoring!

Peter J. Larson, Phd., LP

The Solution for Marriages is one of the finest books available of its type that I am aware of. It is easy to read, uses best practices in marriage education, is theologically sound and is a unique resource to effectively help marriage mentors help other couples.”

John Stemberger, Chairman